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How to do a PhD in Hungary?
In partnership with Euraxess Worldwide, a new webinar is out on the "How to do a PhD in Europe" series! This webinar aims to give an understanding of the Hungarian PhD and DLA system - with the focus on candidates outside of Europe. We present you with practical tips and information to get... -
Gender Equality Plans launch on EURAXESS
Partners from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, The Icelandic Centre for Research – RANNIS, and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden we have launched an overview on “Gender Equality Plans” within the EURAXESS Hubs project task "Gender- overview, learning and sharing". The overview features... -
EURAXESS Biennial Conference 2022
The EURAXESS Conference 2022: "Well being" took place in Nantes 23-25 March The aim of EURAXESS conference 2022 was to deliver stimulating content and foster lively debate around the latest EURAXESS and policy advancement, creating a perfect environment to exchange best practices and facilitate... -
ERA4Ukraine launched
On 22 March 2022, the European Commission launched the ERA4Ukraine portal: ►a one-stop-shop for information and support services to Ukraine-based researchers and researchers fleeing Ukraine. The portal brings together initiatives at the EU level, per country and from non-governmental groups ... -
Horizon4Ukraine launched
The European Commission has created a dedicated subpage under Funding and Tenders to support Ukrainian researchers. ► The HORIZON 4 UKARIANE platform collects opportunities in Horizon-funded research & innovation projects for displaced researchers or other specialists from Ukraine. Brows... -
ERC for Ukraine
ERC for Ukraine: Jobs for researchers fleeing the war ►The European Research Council (ERC) has appealed to its grantees to provide temporary employment to refugee researchers and support staff, such as technicians and lab managers, from Ukraine. The ERC has contacted all its 5,600 current... -
EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast Season 1. - Episode 1.
Episode 1. TIPS AND PERSPECTIVES ON THE GENDER GAP IN ACADEMIA ► What is the actual situation of women in academia? What are the European policies and the reality in academia? For answers to these questions and practical tips, listen to today's EURAXESS Smart Talks and learn more from experts... -
EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast Season 1. - Episode 2.
Episode 2. DISCOVER CAREERS BEYOND ACADEMIA ► Why do researchers need to explore careers beyond academia? How can EURAXESS help young researchers in career development? For answers to these questions and practical tips, listen to today's EURAXESS Smart Talks and learn more from experts and two... -
EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast Season 1. - Episode 3.
Episode 3. FROM SCIENCE TO STARTUP: INSIDE INFORMATION ► Is entrepreneurship a feasible career option for researchers? How can EURAXESS help young researchers develop a career in entrepreneurship? For answers to these questions and practical tips, listen to today's EURAXESS Smart Talks and learn... -
► The Info Day will address universities, research institutions and research funders investing in researchers’ talents, skills and career development by implementing the principles of the 'European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter &Code)...