A workshop on the HR Strategy for Researchers and its implementation and impact was held on the 23rd of February, 2018 in Budapest in the premises of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office.
The "HR Excellence in Research" award gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resource policies with the principles set out in the "European Charter & Code for Researchers". To date, almost 1000 European universities and research organisations have endorsed the principles of the Charter & Code, while more than 400 organisations use the "HR Excellence in Research" award. Institutions that have been granted the right to use the award can use it to highlight their commitment to implement fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures for researchers.
However, no Hungarian institutions have yet received the award. To change this, EURAXESS Hungary Bridgehead Bay Zoltán Ltd. and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary organised a workshop to help Hungarian research institutions gain up-to-date information and tailor-made assistance on the implementation of the Charter&Code.
The workshop set out to introduce the HR Strategy for Researchers implementation process and the benefits it potentially brings to the institution. In addition, examples to follow and good practices were also discussed. Presentations were followed by a specific Q and A session with all the speakers to make sure participants can get answers to all their questions.
Nóra Jeney, Deputy Head of Department of the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation welcomed participants and briefly explained the policy background and history of the “HR Excellence in Research” initiative. Gabriella Kemény, Director of Human Resources at CEU introduced RESAVER, a retirement savings vehicle for mobile researchers as a flexible and safe pan-European tool and described its admission process. Ádám Molnár, Head of Area at Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. delivered a presentation on the mobility and career services provided by the EURAXESS network and the national portals affiliated with it.
The step-by-step implementation procedure of the Charter&Code was introduced by Dario Pellizzon, Head Of Research at Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, while Barbara Unković of the Office for International Affairs of Juraj Dobrila University has highlighted the correct approach and methodology needed. Corina Abraham-Barna, Head of the International Students Office, Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine has focused on the benefits, impact and practical aspects of the implementation process and has provided some useful guidelines drafted by the European Commission.
Representatives of several Hungarian research institutions, universities and non-profit research entities attended the workshop. The organizers hope that the workshop has encouraged them to consider implementing the HR Strategy for Researchers and thus to contribute to an open labour market for researchers.
In case you have any questions about the Charter&Code, please do not hesitate to contact us at euraxess@bayzoltan.hu.
All presentations of the HR Strategy for Researchers Workshop are freely available for download: