EURAXESS Smart Talks invites you to explore the support measures and researchers’ path not only towards excellent research and scientific results but also while dealing with stress, anxiety and all the unpleasant feelings. Experts from the University of Luxembourg shared their vision and approach in guiding, coaching and mediating researchers in their daily work to gain sustainable results and know how to fight when working in a highly diverse team makes you overwhelmed.
Our first guest is Inma Peral Alonso, Research Facilitator at University of Luxembourg, Certified life coach / Career coaching expert. She coaches researchers, helps them be less alone, guiding to psychologists or resources.
Second guest of the episode is Esther Zana-Nau, HR Programme Manager Doctoral Training, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Certified mediator. Since 2015, Esther is in charge of the coordination of the LISER Doctoral Training Programme. Responsible for developing the National Quality Framework for Doctoral Training at LISER, she liaises with the University and other Research Institutes to expand the training offer and harmonize regulations and procedures. As trained mediator since 2019, she has intervened in various conflicts between members of teams from different research centers and universities.…